Thank God Monday is over!

Dearest friends on the internet,
I am happy to report we have another day behind us. It was a particularly vile day so I’m glad it’s packing up it’s bags and hitting the road. All is well here and I am feeling much better today!

I must be honest...I got a little bit excited because the woman dressed to leave the house today. I was so hopeful to rid myself of her...I mean...hopeful she could get out and see something other than my house. But all hopes were dashed when she came back after only 25 minutes. She had only gone to Target to do a curbside pickup for cat litter. At least I had a 25 minute breather...I mean, she was able to get out for a little while.

I worked on my book today but only after having a most stressful conversation with Freddy Astaire Graves III. Freddy is one of the senior beasts in my house. He is stone deaf and...well...I’m beginning to think he may have dementia. My conversation with him was frustrating because he could not hear me nor could his brain compute what I was trying ask him.

Me: Freddy, why are you pooing outside of the box?

Freddy: Why am I dancing on rocks? I haven’t danced on rocks in years! The last time was in 2007.


Freddy: Chewing?

I’m afraid Freddy is a lost cause.

The woman has assured me that tonight will be a fuzzy sock night. We are going to watch a movie and there will be belly rubs involved. I hope you all will have a spectacular evening. Please be sure to wash your’s a known fact that Corona cooties will give you bad dreams...(ok...I just made that up but work with me here). And be sure to get your face mask ready for tomorrow. You could save someone’s life by wearing one.

Very truly yours,


Major Preparations!


Spectacular Fur Balls