Intensive Purr Therapy


Dearest friends on the internet,⁣
I hope this message finds you happy and healthy. All is well here. I missed every single one of you yesterday. I was not able to post because the woman had to go out of town all day to tend to some business for her dad. She left my house at 5:00 AM and did not return until 8:30 PM. She was exceptionally tired, cranky, and stressed when she returned. I knew immediately this would require an intense purr therapy session that went late into the night. I believe there was some residual crankiness today so we will need to have another session tonight to get it all out of her system.

The woman left me in charge of al the vile beasts while she was away. It was a lot of responsibility and, even if I must say so myself, I did an exceptional job. I only had trouble out of one of the might know it would be Miss Holly Berry. She was prancing around the house and sticking her hiney in the faces of all the boys. Utterly vile and disgusting. I'm afraid she is lost to us now. Miss Elizabeth's influence has taken control of Holly.⁣

I must go prepare for tonight's purr therapy with the woman. Each of these sessions takes a tremendous amount of energy from me. I'm completely spent by the time we are finished. I think I will spend some time meditating before I get started.⁣

One last thing before I go...I felt terribly guilty because I was not here to remind each of you to wash your hands and wear a face mask yesterday. I hope you did not fall off the wagon. Just know if you did that you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get right back to it now.⁣

Very truly yours,⁣


The Crankiness Continues


Elsie Fallulah Freaks Me Out