In The Dog House


Dearest friends on the internet,
Happy Friday Eve! I hope this message finds you all happy and safe.

All is well here but I must admit...I think we all may have imbibed in Miss Elsie’s celebratory nip just a tad bit too much. Everyone in the house slept late and we have been moving a bit slowly. But it was all worth it to let Elsie get her freak on and celebrate her 17 trips around the sun!

As you might expect, I did not get much work done on my book today. My head hurt too much to get my creative juices flowing. So I think I will forego it today and get back to work on the morning.

We did have a little issue in the middle of the night. We all were sleeping soundly when suddenly the woman let out a piercing scream, “GET OFF OF ME, SAMMY!” I had been sleeping in my satellite office but jumped up quickly and went tearing into the bedroom. The woman reached over to turn on the light and when she turned around, I will be honest...I gasped when I saw her. There was blood running from her eye down the left side of her face. Blood was all over her nightgown and the pillow. Sammy was on the pillow next to hers just sitting there like a knot on a log. Apparently, Sammy decided the best way to get to the pillow beside the woman was to jump over her head. He miscalculated and his hind feet (and gigantic back claws) landed on her head...right underneath her eyebrow and on her eyelid. It is safe to say the woman is not very pleased with Sammy right now. She realizes it was a accident but...she’s now sporting a deep cut from the top of her eyebrow to the middle of her eyelid. She looks like a thug. I fear Sammy will be in the dog house for quite a while.

I hope you all will get lots of rest and prepare for the best day of the week...Friday. By the way, it is a proven fact that washing your hands and wearing a face mask will make you 100% happier than those who do not...(okay, that’s probably not true, but work with me here).

Very truly yours,


Barnabas Collins


Happy Birthday, Miss Elsie Fallulah!