A Brick House


Dearest friends on the internet,
We made it! Friday has come and it is now time to get your freak on! I hope all is well with you. Everything is just fine here at Chez Bob.

This has been what felt like the longest day ever. I did not think 5:00 pm would ever get here. I have dealt with one issue after another today. First, right after breakfast, the woman could not keep her hands off of me. It was almost embarrassing. Secondly, Miss Elizabeth Taylor has once again started parading around the house sticking her behind in everyone’s face. As if anyone wants to see THAT! She kept prancing in and out of my office singing “Brick House”. And, finally, Harry Connick Junior Graves III somehow managed to jump onto the fireplace mantle and knocked off a glass vase onto the hearth. It shattered into a million pieces. Let’s just say the woman was a tad bit disgusted about that one. It was a ridiculous day and I’m thrilled it is over.

In other news...if you recall I told you about our mailman (the one with anger issues) being in deep trouble. He lost a super important top secret key and was going to lose his job if he couldn’t find it. Someone in the neighborhood found it so we will continue having our packages thrown onto our porches and mail put in the wrong boxes.

I think I will go get a snack and then settle down for a nice fuzzy sock nite with the woman. I’m worn out and could use some belly rubs. I hope each of you will make a beeline to the bathroom sink to decootify your hands. Then, and only then, can you relax and enjoy a nice Friday night.

Very truly yours,


Weekly Round Up of Cool Cat Stuff


The Woman Must Learn To Control Herself