A Bonafide Recluse


Dearest friends on the internet,
I trust this message finds you safe and happy. All is well in my house today.

I found myself to be very busy throughout the entire day today. I was able to get quite a bit done on my book. I must be honest...some parts of it make me very sad. The chapter I’m working on now is about my mother cat. It takes a lot out of me to have to rehash my story. I’m fairly wiped out and sad tonight. I hope you all will like my book when it’s released. I’ve been working very hard.

In other news, Miss Elizabeth Taylor continues to get on my very last nerve. She is still getting chemo medication and an appetite stimulant. She is eating us out of house and home. And, what’s worse is that woman applauds it. If she wanted to eat 10 cans of food at one time, the woman would run and fix it for her. But if I ask for just a bite the response is “Bob, leave Miss Elizabeth’s food alone!” I do not appreciate this at all. It is simply not right. And, probably the worst part of it is that Elizabeth is working this whole “I’m sick” thing for all it’s worth. She’ll walk up to the woman and give her a pitiful look. The woman will pick her up and start loving on her. (Gag me!) Elizabeth will look over the woman’s shoulder and stick her tongue out at me. Spoiled heifer.

In other news, the woman spent far too much time working in her little garden today. She’s so excited that the cucumbers are blooming. She has turned into a bonafide recluse as a result of the quarantine. It is sad. It’s such a good thing she has me as her soulmate. I don’t know of too many men who would put up with her quirkiness.

I’m still very worried about the spread of the coronavirus. The sad thing is that there’s still so much we don’t know about this vile beast. That’s why it is so important that you protect yourself and others. Now get up right now and wash your hands. And for crying out loud, wear a dang mask when you go out. It’s the right thing to do.

I am going do some yoga and then meditate for a while. It is time to kick Monday and all of its crap out the door.

Very truly yours,


I Really Am Writing A Book


The Nerve of Some People!